Nitronic AG, Switzerland

Ni­tron­ic is a glob­al­ly, lead­ing niche-mar­ket sup­pli­er of high pre­ci­sion ca­ble strip­ping machines and in­no­va­tive hard­ness testers. Ni­tron­ic sees it­self as a part­n­er to its cus­tomers, ac­com­pany­ing them through ev­ery stage of their prod­uct’s life cy­cle – from prod­uct launch and growth, through ma­tu­ri­ty and all the way to prod­uct phase-out. The com­pany’s cus­tomers ben­e­fit from over 20 years’ ex­pe­ri­ence of de­vel­op­ing and pro­duc­ing wire pro­cess­ing so­lu­tions. Ni­tron­ic’s re­li­able, high-per­for­mance strip­ping machines and tools meet the high­est stan­dards of pre­ci­sion and cost-ef­fi­cien­cy.Ni­tron­ic’s cus­tomers are typ­i­cal­ly glob­al­ly op­er­at­ing com­pa­nies that hold lead­ing po­si­tions in their in­dus­tries. Ni­tron­ic’s so­lu­tions en­able them to sus­tain­ab­ly op­ti­mize their pro­duc­tion pro­cess­es, there­by strengthen­ing their lead­er­ship. Ni­tron­ic’s cus­tomers op­er­ate, amongst others, in the elec­tron­ic, Medtech, aerospace, mil­i­tary and au­to­mo­tive in­dus­tries.

Ni­tron­ic’s op­er­a­tions are di­vid­ed in­to two di­vi­sions: ca­ble pro­cess­ing and hard­ness test­ing. All prod­ucts are developed and man­u­fac­tured in-house in Switz­er­land.

Technology Offerings

Coaxial Cable Processing

Defense & Aerospace